Restarting site work

August 12, 2020

Survey Solutions will return to site work this week.

Following a full review of our systems of work and in line with government and industry advice, Survey Solutions is implementing a phased return to sites.

Company update – Coronavirus – 24th March 2020

August 12, 2020

We have today taken the decision to immediately cease all site-based survey work as well as implement a full remote working programme across all of our regional offices.

Company update – Coronavirus/Covid-19

August 12, 2020

We want you to be aware that we are taking the risk of Coronavirus extremely seriously and are vigilantly implementing enhanced protocols to minimise the threat and potential effects. Since the outbreak, we have been following government guidelines very closely, making daily operational changes as directed by authorities and working hard to ensure the safety and well being of our team, clients, suppliers and local communities.

Survey Solutions Engagement Day

August 12, 2020

We kicked off the New Year by holding our first ever company Engagement Day at Wyboston Lakes in Cambridgeshire.

Having enjoyed many years of success and growth it was a brilliant opportunity for all our teams from across the UK to come together and hear more about our exciting future plans.

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