Drone survey to support structural assessment of the Carmyle Viaduct

Survey Solutions was approached by Amey Consulting who had a requirement to complete an engineering structural assessment of the Carmyle Viaduct in Glasgow to assess the current strength and subsequent safety levels for use of the viaduct.
Given the bridge spans the River Clyde and is at such a height above the water course that visual inspection from a boat would prove difficult, Amey asked Survey Solutions for suggestions to obtain high resolution imagery of the viaduct across it entire 140 metre span to allow the assessment to be completed in the safe environment of the office as a desktop exercise.
Utilising one of its drone fleet, Survey Solutions was able to fly the extents of the viaduct from the safety of the embankments of the River Clyde, to obtain high resolution video footage and imagery as well as a 3D point cloud to produce a full 3D digital twin of the viaduct. This has subsequently allowed the engineers of Amey to fully inspect the Carmyle viaduct and recently make decisions on its future.