Land, measured building, topographical survey
Hartshead Substation

Working in partnership with Electricity Northwest to deliver land and elevation detail at three substations.

Electricity Northwest stands as one of our valued clients, and we proudly serve them from our Manchester office. As one of the UK’s 14 distribution network operators, Electricity Northwest is responsible for maintaining and upgrading 13,000km of overhead power lines and more than 44,000km of underground electricity cables, spanning from Manchester to the Lake District.

We are regularly called upon to complete surveys of their infrastructure, and as such, a number of our surveyors have attended the H100 substation electrical safety course and hold H100 certificates, enabling them to work safely within the vicinity of electrical power equipment.

Completing a topographical survey and producing elevations of Hartshead Substation was just one of three substations we surveyed for Electricity Northwest in the summer of 2023. The sizeable compound is 100m x 50m, so roughly the size of a football pitch. Over the course of two days we used a laser scanner to complete the surveys, including the topographical survey of the entire site. This revealed the levels of the surfaces within the compound, including the specialist equipment and infrastructure that converts electricity into different voltages.

For maintenance and repair work purposes we were also asked to provide precise elevations of the infrastructure within the compound. This required intricate attention to details, down to the level of individual nuts and bolts and small mechanical components integrated into the steelwork.

Our commitment to accuracy and the use of the very latest 3D laser scanning technology enabled us to provide high-definition 2D images, creating a visual representation of the compound for our client’s operational and maintenance needs.


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